Hunebed D27 Het grootste hunebed
Hunebed D27
Dolmen D27

Dolmen D27 - Borger

N 52.930231066398 / E 6.7977423130753

The very largest dolmen in the Netherlands is D27. It is almost 23 metres long and is located in the town of Borger. The grave monument consists of 9 capstones, 28 bearing stones, 5 gate side stones and 2 wreath stones. The stop stones that filled the openings have disappeared over the years.

Not only is the dolmen the largest in the Netherlands, it also incorporates the largest stone that was ever part of a hunebed. The enormous stone is estimated to weigh around 20,000 kilos. In the adjacent museum, you can see how the original Funnel Beaker people moved these huge stones.

D27 remains a mysterious hunebed. In 1685, only a small corner of the grave monument was excavated for research. The investigation lasted 1 day and was carried out by poet Titia Brongersma. She made a report of this which has been preserved. Unfortunately, the finds were not.

Most of the grave monument was spared Titia's research and is still intact. Thus, the basement area was never excavated and examined. In fact, it has been sealed for years. So for now, we will not discover what treasures are hidden in the ground here.

Professor Giffen rated D27 "in fair condition", as it was relatively intact and well preserved despite some damage and missing parts. It was last restored in 1997.

Hunebed D27 Het grootste hunebed
Hunebed D27

Dolmen D27
Hunebedstraat 27
9531JV Borger

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