Cycle route Rock 'n Roll with Elvis Presley

Boxtel, Haaren, Hezelaar
A cycle route with an ode to the King of Rock 'n Roll, Elvis Presley. We start and end the cycle route in Boxtel, at Eetcafé De Oude Ketting. Park the car and have one of Presley's favourite drinks: a coke.
Elvis gives you a warm welcome at café 't Hart van Boxtel. On the inner doorway you look him straight in the eye! And listen carefully, because the DJ here regularly plays music by The King.
We prefer to play the songs of the Rock 'n Roll music genre as loud as possible. But for a change, the cycle route also takes you through quiet and scenic areas. When Elvis was in his homeland Australia, he lived in his own 'The King's Castle'. This is a bit too far to cycle, so we have added two Dutch castles to this cycle route: Maurick Castle and Nemerlaer Castle.
Arrived at the pub? Play Jailhouse Rock, sing along and feel like the King of Rock 'n Roll for a few minutes!
Here you can expand your route with pitstops

No pitstops added yet
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