Pleisterplaats De Stokte stiltecafe
Pleisterplaats De Stokte barkrukken
Stopover De Stokte

Stopover De Stokte - Dalfsen

N 52.513277865808 / E 6.2913779608133

From the hill at Pleisterplaats De Stokte, you have an amazing panorama of the Vecht and its forelands. The big difference in height from the surroundings comes as a total surprise. It is like looking out from a balcony.

The bar stools invite you to take a seat. In the distance, you can see other walkers and cyclists using the ferry to cross the Vecht.

This vantage point is described as a quiet café. A very apt description. Pleisterplaats De Stokte is located on a former rubbish tip of the municipality of Dalfsen.

Pleisterplaats De Stokte stiltecafe
Pleisterplaats De Stokte barkrukken

Stopover De Stokte
De Stokte
7722 VB Dalfsen

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Open 24 hours
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