Stania Estate has a rich history, still evident today in both the stately building and the surrounding park. In the early 16th century, Jeppe Stania commissioned the construction of a manor that would bear his name: Stania Estate. The original building stood for centuries until it was severely damaged by a fire in 1813.
In 1843, Theodorus Marius Theresius Looxma decided to largely demolish the remains of the ruined estate. On the same site, he constructed the current house, a beautiful example of the architecture of that period. He also commissioned a redesign of the gardens. This work was carried out by the renowned landscape architect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard, whose style is still recognizable in the winding paths and park-like layout.
Over the centuries, Stania Estate has been home to several distinguished residents, including a mayor of Leeuwarden. Today, the building has been repurposed as a hospitality venue, but it remains a monument of historical significance and beauty.
Stania estate
Rengersweg 98B
9062 EJ
Contact details
T: 058-2562811