Woonhuis Michiel de Ruyter
Woonhuis Michiel de Ruyter bord
Residence Michiel de Ruyter

Residence Michiel de Ruyter - Vlissingen

N 51.4418418 / E 3.5748643

It is not known exactly where Michiel de Ruyter was born in Vlissingen in 1607. Currently, there are about six houses that would qualify. What is certain is that Michiel de Ruyter owned this property on Nieuwstraat 13 from around 1950. Until his move to Amsterdam in 1955, he lived here with Anna van Gelder.

An information board has been placed on the house.

Across the street, at numbers 38 and 40, a sign testifies that De Ruyter lived opposite Lieutenant Admiral Johan Evertsen.

Woonhuis Michiel de Ruyter
Woonhuis Michiel de Ruyter bord

Residence Michiel de Ruyter
Nieuwstraat 13
4381 CN Vlissingen

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