Observatievlonder Lokkenpolder ©Tim Termaat, Vogelkijkhut.nl
Observation platform Lokkenpolder

Observation platform Lokkenpolder - IJsselham

N 52.797931162743 / E 5.9649079351944

From the observation platform you can discover beautiful birds. Not only the ‘common’ waterbirds such as the mallard, the chaffinch, mockingbird and garden warbler have been spotted here.

Besides birds, look for other ‘winged creatures’, as the Weerribben are among the most dragonfly-rich Nature reserves in Western Europe. As many as 50 species have been spotted in the area, including the northern winter damselfly, green glazier and spotted whitethroat.

Photo: ©Tim Termaat, via Vogelkijkhut.nl

Observatievlonder Lokkenpolder ©Tim Termaat, Vogelkijkhut.nl

Observation platform Lokkenpolder
8361 EV IJsselham

Contact details
E: info@vogelkijkhut.nl

Opening hours
Open 24 hours
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