Welkom bij Museum Kaap Skil
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vitrines van Kaap Skil
Museum Kaap Skil op Texel
de jutterij van Kaap Skil
Museum Kaap Skil

Museum Kaap Skil - Oudeschild

N 53.0391317 / E 4.8480419

In the 17th century, De Reede van Texel was the place to load, unload and moor while waiting for the right wind direction. Many trading ships, war fleets and even whalers stopped at this point on Texel. But when it stormed, it could be dangerous here and a ship could sink.

As a result, there are still dozens of shipwrecks on the seabed, later investigated by divers. The showpieces are on display at Museum Kaap Skil. For example, there are beautiful 17th-century dresses, including a wedding dress, which have remained well intact despite having been on the seabed for centuries. The Reede van Texel has also been recreated in detail in the world's largest maritime model.

Welkom bij Museum Kaap Skil
rondkijken in het museum
vitrines van Kaap Skil
Museum Kaap Skil op Texel
de jutterij van Kaap Skil

Museum Kaap Skil
Heemskerckstraat 9
1792 AA Oudeschild

Contact details
T: +31 222-314956
E: info@kaapskil.nl

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

From April to October also open on Mondays.

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