Molen de Onrust
Molen de Onrust (Onrust Mill)

Molen de Onrust (Onrust Mill) - Oude Pekela

N 53.103963 / E 7.009803

The mill was built in 1850 by order of Remke Bruggers as a flour and peel mill. It was damaged during the storm of 16-17 December 1869. After a period as a steam flour mill, the mill was decommissioned in 1950.

It was restored in 1959 and officially re-commissioned on 7 May 1960. The mill has had protected monument status since 1969. De Onrust is also used as an instructional mill for the Groningen Guild of Volunteer Millers.

Molen de Onrust

Molen de Onrust (Onrust Mill)
Feiko Clockstraat 111 a
9665 BG Oude Pekela

Contact details
T: +31 597-618269

Opening hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours

De Onrust can also be visited by appointment.

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