In 1447 Steven ter Borch receives the Hof tho Lemferdinck from his parents when he married Grete van Echten. Over the centuries the estate has undergone many changes. Once there was a big noble house with a moat, drawbridge, two treasure houses, garden, woods and meadows. From the original estate, only the western treasure house and gardens remain. At the beginning of the 18th century, the influential Nijsingh family had the former house demolished and a new, larger home built, with two treasure houses. Many owners and renovations followed. In 1811 the main house was destroyed. In 1996 the last restoration of the treasure house took place, commissioned by the then Lemferdinge Foundation.
Lemferdinge Country estate
Lemferdingelaan 2
9765 AR
Contact details
T: +31503091377
The estate is open to the public. The house is a wedding and meeting location and is not accessible.