Hanzeroute Groningen

Groningen, Eelde, Noordlaren
Groningen owes much of its prosperity to joining the Hanseatic League in 1463. Much of the trade came by road, despite the presence of a lot of water near the city. Nowadays canalised and suitable for shipping, but in Hanseatic times these waters were unsuitable for trading ships to reach the city. Learn more about this era at the Museum on the A.
Although we speak of a city, Groningen, like The Hague, has no known written city charter. This is why Groningen is still sometimes called ‘the village’ by non-residents. But a village that was actually a state within a state for a long time. Until the French era, Groningen left its mark not only on the city, but also on a large part of the province.
On this route, you will dive into the city's Hanseatic history and discover its green surroundings.
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