Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst

Havezate De Havixhorst - De Schiphorst

N 52.6743366 / E 6.2590113

What the name Havixhorst stands for is not entirely clear. 'Have' stands for possession, horst for a height in the landscape, but also for the hawk's high nest. Thus the name could refer to a high situated house, but also to a hawk's nest. Jan Arent Godert de Vos van Steenwijk, commissioner of the States General, had the present square house with the adjacent buildings built.

For almost three hundred years, until 1956, the manor is owned by the De Vos van Steenwijk family. Finally, in 1981, it came into the possession of the Drentse Landschap Foundation. The complex is restored and a geometric (herb) garden and sculpture garden with figurative sculpture from the 20th century are laid out. Since then, the main house of The Havixhorst has been operated as a luxury hotel-restaurant. The estate is open to the public.

Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst
Havezate De Havixhorst

Havezate De Havixhorst
De Schiphorsterweg 34-36
7966 AC De Schiphorst

Contact details
T: +31 522-441487
E: info@dehavixhorst.nl

Opening hours
Monday 11:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 22:00
Thursday 11:00 - 22:00
Friday 11:00 - 22:00
Saturday 11:00 - 22:00
Sunday 11:00 - 22:00

The house is in use as a hotel and restaurant. The country estate is accessible to the public.

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