Hacvorde is the first name of the property to surface, in a charter from 1324. The name says something about its location: a vorde is a ford in a river. Castle, located on the Baaksche Beek, was once near a ford, given its name.
The buyer of Hacvorde, Jacob van der Weelle, later went on to call himself Van Hackfort. The Van Hackforts were men of note and they steadily expanded their property. During the 80-year war, Hackfort suffers great damage. Borchard van Westerholt rebuilt the Castle with the reuse of existing parts; here and there the current wallwork differs. Modernisation followed in 1788, when the main house took on its current appearance, moats were filled in and the gatehouse and outbuildings were demolished. Remarkably, since 1324 the estate has always survived via inheritance, the most recent heir being the Society for the Preservation of Nature.
In the coach house dating back to 1881. The building used to house the stables, orangery, carriage shed and a later built-in gardener's house.
Also check out the water mill near the Castle.
Not to be visited on Castle Day. Castle and immediate surroundings cannot be visited. Country estate with walking forest, water mill and several farms is open, however.
Hackfort Castle
Baakseweg 8
7251 RH
Contact details
T: +31 575-552586
E: info@natuurmonumenten.nl
W: https://www.kastelen.nl/
Estate is freely accessible. House and direct surroundings are not accessible.