Hunebed D43 Langgraf
Hunebed D43 tussen de bomen
Hunebed D43 informatiezuil
Dolmen D43

Dolmen D43 - Emmen

N 52.793886345984 / E 6.8892078516817

The only long grave in the Netherlands. The name 'langgraf' actually says it all, it is a long grave. Originally these are two dolmens, but they are surrounded by a wreath of stones measuring up to forty metres and therefore also connected to each other.

Incidentally, the two separate dolmens were probably not built at the same time. The wreath makes this dolmen look different from the other dolmens. In Germany and Denmark, you will find more long graves of this kind.

Hunebed D43 Langgraf
Hunebed D43 tussen de bomen
Hunebed D43 informatiezuil

Dolmen D43
Emmen Schimmeres
7815PC Emmen

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