Landgoed Colckhof
Roodborstje in het landgoed
Country estate Colckhof

Country estate Colckhof - Laag Zuthem

N 52.4463 / E 6.199277

The Colckhof estate is laid out in an English landscape style, with surprising vistas, gentle slopes and winding paths. Particularly in spring, the many flowering plants make this a delight, but the presence of almost sixty bird species makes it a great place to enjoy the rest of the year as well.

You can encounter a warbler, yellowhammer, collared redstart, cave dove, robin, golden oriole and wren here. By cleaning the water features and restoring the hedges, they have found a good habitat here.

Photo 1: Duck house ©Andries de la Lande Cremer, Natuurmonumenten

Landgoed Colckhof
Roodborstje in het landgoed

Country estate Colckhof
Hubertslaan 2
8055 PG Laag Zuthem

Contact details
T: +31356559911

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