Gemaal Buma | Het hoofdgebouw
Gemaal Buma | De sluis
Luchtfoto van het gemaal in augustus 1938
Buma pumping station

Buma pumping station - Rutten

N 52.8373936 / E 5.7135585

The pumping station was built between 1939 and 1941 and started grinding in January 1941. It is named after Age Buma from Koudum (Friesland). He was a member of parliament and one of the founders and chairman of the Zuiderzee Association. The other two main pumping stations in the polder also bear the names of advocates for drainage: Vissering pumping station near Urk and Smeenge pumping station between Kraggenburg and Vollenhove. The Buma pumping station has three pumps that together can pump out 1,800 cubic metres of water.

Next to the pumping station is a lock and an associated lock keeper's house. Because of its striking architecture, Buma pumping station and the accompanying lock with lock keeper's house are on the national monument list.

Aerial photo: National Archive

Gemaal Buma | Het hoofdgebouw
Gemaal Buma | De sluis
Luchtfoto van het gemaal in augustus 1938

Buma pumping station
Gemaalweg 25
8313 PR Rutten

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