Vogelkijkpunt Dijkmanshuizen
Riet bij Dijkmanshuizen
Bird watching point Dijkmanshuizen

Bird watching point Dijkmanshuizen - Oudeschild

N 53.0552733 / E 4.8628752

Dijkmanshuizen is a nature reserve north of Oudeschild on Texel on the wadden dyke. The area once belonged to writer and conservationist Jac. P. Thijsse, who received it for his 70th birthday, but he donated it to Natuurmonumenten, co-founded by him. In the area with mostly meadows and water, reeds are harvested. It is home to water and marsh birds.

Also in this area, you will find a green wooden building that serves as a bird-watching hut. From this hut, you can spot the common tern, a little tern or the ruff in summer. In winter, the peregrine falcon is sometimes spotted here.

Vogelkijkpunt Dijkmanshuizen
Riet bij Dijkmanshuizen

Bird watching point Dijkmanshuizen
Ottersaat 7A
1792 CC Oudeschild

Contact details

Open from sunrise to sunset.

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