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Traditions of Zeeland in authentic landscape

45.1 km
cultural, historical, rural
3 hours 7 minutes
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16 nodes

Burgh-Haamstede, Renesse, Noordwelle

For a long time, Zeeland was the main madder and grain producer in western Europe. To store all those crops, barns were needed. Thus, a new type of farm came into being: a farmhouse with a large, detached barn next to it, built of black hipped boards. Often with a white outline around the roof, so that the farmer or servant could also find his way around at night. These barns remain a characteristic image for Zeeland to this day.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Zeeland developed into a true agricultural province. Even today, there is still a lot of cultivation in this region. Until the mid-20th century, fruit was grown here in abundance. And did you know that the Kop van Schouwen was also a paradise for flower bulbs? Nowadays, you hardly find any bulb fields anymore, but fruit orchards are!

However, farming was hard work, especially in the wet clay soils. At the end of the 19th century, a special breed of horse was therefore bred: the Zeeland draught horse. The first Flemish cold-blooded stallions were imported from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Cold-blooded because they had quiet characters. The stallions were also strongly built, had large broad hooves and were very strong. Perfect for working clay soil. A little later, the cold-blood mares also arrived, after which breeding took off.

Draught horses were of great importance to the people of Schouw. Besides agriculture, the animals were also used in transport, the port and industry. There was a draft horse grazing in almost every meadow. Horses were also used for sports and games. Ring stabbing on horseback, for instance, is still done during village festivals, such as the traditional Schouw festival 'de Straô'. This festival dates back to 1643 and has the status of Intangible Heritage on the UNESCO list.

Nowadays, it is mainly a cosy feast. In a colourful procession, as the horses are beautifully decorated, the riders leave for the beach. The festival traditionally starts in Renesse on a Saturday in mid-February. On the following five Saturdays, it is celebrated in Noordwelle, Burgh-Haamstede, Scharendijke, Ellemeet and Serooskerke.

The large number of horses also changed the streetscape of Zeeland's villages. Many villages were home to a blacksmith. In order to shoe the heavy, large legs of Zeeland's draft horses, a special workshop was developed: the travalje. This was an open construction built of wood and iron, often outside on the street in front of the smithy. In it, the horse could be secured as well as the horse's legs. This allowed the blacksmith to shoe the horses safely.

In addition to horseshoes, many fences were forged in the forges. Each region had its own material, colours, size, shapes and symbols. The Zeelanders attached great importance to an ornate and decorated fence as an entrance to their yard. Although many regional fences have been replaced by modern ones, you can still recognise a traditional symbol here and there.

Everywhere in the landscape you can see traces of the history of the Kop van Schouwen. A cycle route to keep your eyes open at all times

This Premium cycle route was compiled by our editor: Anne de Zwaan

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45.1 km
cultural, historical, rural
3 hours 7 minutes
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45.1 km
cultural, historical, rural
3 hours 7 minutes
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Route contains
16 nodes

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