The Green Mill Route

Amsterdam, Landsmeer, Zaandam
Cycle from NDSM square via the working-class neighbourhoods of Amsterdam-Noord to the windmills of Zaanstreek and Waterland.
You will encounter the first mill in Amsterdam-Noord: the Krijtmolen d'Admiraal. This gem, located in the former village of Buiksloot, was built in 1792 and is now a national monument. It is the last wind-driven grinding and chalk mill in the world!
On the way to Zaandam, you pass through quaint village centres, such as Landsmeer. This sprawling ribbon village is surrounded by lots of greenery and plenty of water. The Twiske Windmill is a real eye-catcher here. This monumental mill runs on both wind power and an electric pumping station, with which it drains the 650-hectare Twiske polder.
A little further along you will find Biksteenmolen De Vlijt. After being built in Zaandam in 1920, this mill stood in several locations. Eventually, it returned to the Zaan region, where it has been showing off for decades now.
Your cycle route ends at the Zaanse Schans, where you will feast your eyes on the proud windmills, the distinctive coloured wooden houses and workshops where old crafts are performed.
Did you notice the green colour of the mills? There's a reason this is the 'Green Mill Route'! Green can be seen everywhere during this route: the grass of the watery polders, the windmills, but also the Zaanse houses, mostly painted in Zaans green.
Photo: ©Ria de Boer, via Bureau Toerisme Laag Holland
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