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Small game in the Drents-Friese Wold

40.47 km
birds, nature
2 hours 56 minutes
route contains
Route contains
24 nodes

Appelscha, Diever, Doldersum

How natural is Drenthe's so-called primal nature? Although truly untouched nature is scarce in the Netherlands, Drenthe's landscape has its origins in prehistoric times. It was strongly shaped by the last ice age (the Weichselien), during which huge ice masses led to the formation of moraines, sandy soils and stream valleys.

Despite the fact that nature has been determined and influenced by man, in Drenthe, nature is getting back in charge in more and more areas. To a certain extent, that is. Because to my surprise, Drenthe still officially has a zero policy on red deer and wild boar. A zero policy, you will now think? Red deer and wild boar are not welcome throughout the province. Any animal of this species may therefore be shot as soon as it crosses the provincial border. This policy is designed to prevent damage to agricultural crops and traffic accidents. Although there are discussions about the future of big game such as wild boar and red deer, these animals are currently still being actively removed from Drenthe.

So you will not encounter these animals on your bike ride today. This route goes through the Drents-Friese Wold, which was largely created as a production forest. It also consists of (damp) heathland, drifting sands, meandering streams and fens. Nature is increasingly allowed to take its course here. Large paths are replaced by narrower natural paths, fallen trees are allowed to remain and the landscape is maintained by large grazers. Scottish Highlanders in the area around Berkenheuvel, Salers in the Aekingerzand, Limousins and the Drents heideschaap on the Doldersummerveld. On quiet days, you are more likely to see them near the paths. Admire these animals from a distance, because no matter how cuddly they look, if they are restless, they can seriously injure you. Keep your distance, at least 25 metres, leave the animals alone, do not disturb their natural behaviour and above all, never feed them!

Fortunately, there is also a lot of small game to spot in the national park. Tree martens are agile predators that can often be found in trees. They live mainly in the Drents-Friese Wold and are difficult to spot, but their nests and paw prints betray their presence.

Adders, the only venomous snake in the Netherlands, can be found in sunny places such as the Aekingerzand. They moult regularly and these skins are a clear trail. Adders are especially active in spring and early autumn.

Foxes are clever and opportunistic animals that can be found in various habitats, including the Aekingerzand and the Doldersummerveld. They leave behind tracks such as paw prints and droppings. Foxes are mostly active early in the morning and in the evening.

Badgers are nocturnal animals that are mainly found in the Drents-Friese Wold and Hoekenbrink. There are about 30 badger setts in this area. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem by stirring up the soil in search of food, contributing to soil fertility. The best way to spot badgers is during dusk, when they leave their setts. Did you know that badgers make so-called badger trails? These are as wide as the badger itself and are created because they always walk up and down the same paths. On the trees near such a badger sett, you could see scour marks at badger height. Because the animals carry lice and fleas, they love to rub against rough tree bark.

Apart from all these predators, you can also encounter roe deer and discover a whole range of breeding birds in the Drenthe countryside. Deer are elegant herbivores that can often be seen in open fields and forest edges. They leave distinct paw prints and voracious tracks. For the best chance of spotting roe deer, visit Lake Canada during the early morning or late evening.

To have a better chance of spotting the said animals, it is advisable not to spray on odours, wear bright colours and not make too much noise. Be patient, give the animals time to adjust to your presence and do not disturb their natural behaviour. Some wild animals show themselves faster when you remain dead still, others feel less threatened if you just move at a leisurely pace.

Fancy spotting the beautiful animals in their own environment? Grab your bike and binoculars and cycle this route along small wildlife in Drenthe.

This premium cycling route was put together by our editor: Désirée van Uffelen.

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40.47 km
birds, nature
2 hours 56 minutes
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Route contains
24 nodes

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40.47 km
birds, nature
2 hours 56 minutes
route contains
Route contains
24 nodes

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