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Six times the best views of the Vechtdal

40.55 km
rural, nature
2 hours 39 minutes
route contains
Route contains
19 nodes

Ommen, Dalfsen, Varsen

The Vecht valley is unique. You will find beautiful nature and varied landscapes. Meadows, woods, heaths and sand drifts, picturesque country estates and, of course, the river itself: the Overijsselse Vecht. This meandering river lies in a wide valley between the Drenthe and Overijssel moraines. The Vecht formed after the ice from the penultimate ice age in the Netherlands began to melt. Water sought an unhindered way to the west via the resulting valley.

Connoisseurs consider the section between Ommen and Dalfsen, where the water from the Regge has flowed into the Vecht for centuries, to be the most beautiful part of the Vecht valley. Every year, many tourists come here especially to behold its natural beauty. Probably the same goes for you as a cyclist. According to a major cycling survey by the ANWB, 87 per cent of cyclists consider the 'scenery', the green space, most important during a cycling trip. The view of the surroundings should be attractive, appealing and inviting.

But why is a nice view actually so important? There are a number of explanations for this. The first explanation is that looking requires little attention. It's easy, it actually comes naturally. As a result, we forget our daily demands or worries. Time stands still for a moment, allowing you to take in the beauty of nature. You literally come to rest.

Another explanation, which applies especially to the enjoyment of views from mountain tops and vantage points, is based on human evolution. Humans are naturally curious about space because exploring the nearby environment has always helped us detect threats and find food. These are two of the most important factors for our survival. If we can do this from a high or expansive vantage point, we increase our chances.

To get the best view, we are often willing to take risks. For example, by climbing mountains, building towers or, for the real daredevils, getting into an aeroplane. For those who prefer to stay on the ground, there are drones these days.

To give sightseeing enthusiasts a helping hand, several vantage points and lookout towers have been created in this area. From here you have the best views of the Vechtdal. This cycle route will take you there. Don't forget your binoculars!

This Premium cycle route was compiled by our editor: Elwin Croeze.

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40.55 km
rural, nature
2 hours 39 minutes
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Route contains
19 nodes

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40.55 km
rural, nature
2 hours 39 minutes
route contains
Route contains
19 nodes

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