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Route along the Kop van Schouwen

25.39 km
birds, villages, historical
1 hours 37 minutes
route contains
Route contains
10 nodes

Burgh-Haamstede, Serooskerke, Burghsluis

The Kop van Schouwen is one of the most westerly points of the Netherlands. Only Walcheren sticks out further towards the west. During this route you will discover the Kop van Schouwen, Natura 2000 area, but you will also come across several historical sites.

The area is known for its beautiful dunes, through which you now zip along, interspersed with forests, ponds and beaches. This makes it a diverse landscape. Besides being a protected nature reserve, many protected animal species also live here. If you manage to spot them, you can encounter the viviparous lizard, natterjack toad and spotted whitethroat here. Like many wetlands in the Netherlands, you can also see plenty of birds here. Which ones do you see here?

There is also plenty of history on this route. For instance, you cycle past the medieval building Slot Haamstede. You cannot go inside, but the surrounding castle woods are definitely worth a visit. The centuries-old castle wall is partly made of monastic bricks, which are medieval bricks. You can recognise them because they are larger than modern bricks.

Over the centuries, Zeeland has had to deal with floods several times. The most well-known is the devastating flood disaster of 1953. In the centuries before that, several villages have already gone under due to other storm surges. You pass two windows that give you a view of what it once looked like. The Plompe Toren is a last remnant of the village of Koudekerke, which disappeared into the sea. Much of Noordwelle was washed away during the 1953 flood disaster. The church is located on a mound, which kept it dry. Little remained of the rest of the village. Take a trip to Neeltje Jans on the Oosterschelde barrier, this impressive structure must ensure that future floods are prevented. The view is stunning, absolutely worth it!

From nature to history, from birds to lizards and from the Middle Ages to today; discover it during this diverse route along the Kop van Schouwen.

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25.39 km
birds, villages, historical
1 hours 37 minutes
route contains
Route contains
10 nodes

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25.39 km
birds, villages, historical
1 hours 37 minutes
route contains
Route contains
10 nodes

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