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Outdoor art on the North Veluwe

33.16 km
villages, rural
1 hours 57 minutes
route contains
Route contains
19 nodes

Nunspeet, Elspeet

Vast forests, heathlands, winding country roads, cute villages and stately country estates alternate pleasantly on the Northern Veluwe. No wonder this natural setting has inspired many artists. Between 1880 and 1950, a large active group of artists emerged here and the town of Nunspeet became a true artists' village. Well-known painters such as Jan van Vuuren, Willy Martens and Arthur Briët mainly created colourful impressions of nature and country life. Some of these works now hang on the walls of the still very young North Veluwe Museum in Nunspeet.

On the way across the northern Veluwe, you will also come across great outdoor art, just like that, in nature or along a shopping street. Upon entering the artists' village, for example, you cycle past a beautiful little sculpture of a mouflon standing completely in the attack position. Every muscle on its back seems to be tightened. The sculpture was made by Cornelis Johan Vrendenberg who founded the Free Academy of Visual Arts in Nunspeet, together with painter Jaap Hiddink, after which more artists were attracted by the place.

Perhaps the best-known work of art in Nunspeet is that of Eibertje, created by Ingeborg ten Hoopen in 2003. The historical farmer's wife Eibertje walked across woods and heathland from Vierhouten to the Market in Nunspeet every weekend to sell eggs. She was not afraid of the ghosts, ghouls and elves that would wander there, and walked the route so often that a kind of path was created, literally paving the way for more fellow villagers. This Eibertjespad still exists today.

In Vierhouten itself, sculptor Sander Boom's cleverly made woodcutting works shine through. He was not only inspired by the Veluwe nature, but also made his objects from material from that nature. Especially impressive are two artful benches he sawed entirely from old trees. Perhaps not art with a big K, but very impressive nonetheless.

On this cycle route, you should also stop off regularly as you cycle past one of the wall poems that are posted here in all kinds of places in the villages and sometimes in the middle of nature. Be inspired by the fine poetry of poet Bergman, for instance, who tells about a beautiful region he travelled to in his poem Reisbrief. He even compares it to paradise and ends his poem with the line: 'And everything else here is beautiful, it sometimes gets too powerful for me!'
He must have been inspired by the North Veluwe.

This Premium cycle route has been compiled by our editor: Wieger Favier.

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33.16 km
villages, rural
1 hours 57 minutes
route contains
Route contains
19 nodes

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33.16 km
villages, rural
1 hours 57 minutes
route contains
Route contains
19 nodes

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