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HUP, jump on your bike to Eindhoven!

length 51.74 km
theme historical, rural, culinary
Kcal 1158
Fiets 3 hours 51 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 5 minutes

Mierlo, Eindhoven, Geldrop

Just outside the centre of Eindhoven, where the canal ends, this cycle route through the Eindhoven area starts. Take your time, as we have added some instructive Pit stops. Of course, what should not be missed: a visit to the Philips museum. Philips is responsible for Eindhoven's explosive growth, which started from 1920. Who knows, you might also come across your first car, or that of your childhood friend, or that of your parents at the DAF museum!

Leave the busy city towards the suburbs and quickly seek the quiet surroundings again. On the way, you will encounter several windmills, get a breath of fresh air at the Beuven lake and enjoy the beautiful Strabrechtse heath. This is located south-east of our starting location in Eindhoven. Via the cosy Brabant village of Mierlo, we cycle back to Eindhoven after a complete day out.

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length 51.74 km
theme historical, rural, culinary
Kcal 1158
Fiets 3 hours 51 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 5 minutes

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length 51.74 km
theme historical, rural, culinary
Kcal 1158
Fiets 3 hours 51 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 5 minutes

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