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Cycle route with curved roads and trees

length 42.3 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 819
Fiets 2 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 10 minutes

Garderen, Ouwendorp, Boeschoten

Hop on your bike in the picturesque village of Garderen for this crooked cycle route. From the southern part of Garderen, you cycle the first few kilometres towards Kootwijk. Kootwijk is a small farming village but during this route you stay on the winding cycle path through the nature around Kootwijk.

After seeing a lot of (crooked) cycle paths and farms, you cycle through the northern part of Garderen. You soon cycle out of the small village again, heading for the Speulderbos. The special thing about this forest is that a large part of the trees are crooked. Why? In the past, many trees were cut down to make boats. The wood from the crooked trees could not be used, so these trees were spared. That makes for a lot of nice pictures!

Via small villages such as Houtdorp, Drie and Boeschoten, you slowly cycle back towards De Beeldentuin. You can spend the rest of your afternoon at this Pit stop. Eat and drink something at lunchroom de Rozentuin, admire the sculptures in the Sculpture Garden and visit 't Veluws Zandsculpturenfestijn.

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length 42.3 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 819
Fiets 2 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 10 minutes

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length 42.3 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 819
Fiets 2 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 10 minutes

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