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Cycle route with both feet in the sand

length 55.65 km
theme villages, rural, delicious
Kcal 980
Fiets 3 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 36 minutes

Garderen, Ermelo, Stroe

The theme of this cycle route was created for two reasons: the beaches along the waters and the sand sculptures at De Beeldentuin in Garderen. The beach already starts at Nulde and you keep following it all the way to Harderwijk. At the Sculpture Garden, in addition to all the sculptures in the garden, shop and lunchroom, sand sculptures with different themes are on display every year. The results are beautiful!

The intermediate roads are very rural. As such, you mostly encounter farms and small villages. Some side trips we have added to the cycle route are Oldenaller Estate and Molen de Koe windmill, just to stay in the rural mood.

Starting your final kilometres of this route, it's time to get a breath of fresh air. For almost 10 kilometres, you cycle along the waters of Wolderwijd and Nuldernauw. Stop along the way for a beautiful view of the Wolderwijd or a (romantic) beach walk. Upon returning home, you will still have the sand between your toes! Fortunately, you will keep some great memories from the cycle route.

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length 55.65 km
theme villages, rural, delicious
Kcal 980
Fiets 3 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 36 minutes

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length 55.65 km
theme villages, rural, delicious
Kcal 980
Fiets 3 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 36 minutes

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