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Cycle route Wildlife spotting in the Veluwe

length 73.33 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1549
Fiets 5 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 7 minutes

Epe, Vierhouten, Elspeet

That wildlife lives in the Veluwe region is well known. But around the forests of Epe you have the greatest chance of spotting wildlife. In particular, with a bit of luck you will encounter the wild boar. We'll give you some fun facts in advance.

1826 is the year the wild boar officially became extinct. In 1907, the wild boar was reintroduced at Het Loo by Prince Hendrik. Thanks to our prince, we can once again enjoy these beautiful animals on the Veluwe to this day. One boar will never be forgotten: her name was Louise and she died in 1998. For this was not just any boar, but a real police boar! She was used to track down drugs and explosives.

Planning your bike ride in spring? Beware of mother boar though, because when she has her young she can be aggressive. As long as you stay at an appropriate distance, you can enjoy the wildlife.

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length 73.33 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1549
Fiets 5 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 7 minutes

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length 73.33 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1549
Fiets 5 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 7 minutes

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Brought to you by:
RCN Vakantieparken
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RCN Vakantieparken
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