Cycle route The surroundings of painter Jongkind

Ootmarsum, Tilligte, Lattrop
Artist Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891) grew up in the village of Lattrop. Jongkind is considered the most influential 19th-century painter after Vincent van Gogh. He produced watercolours, drawings, etchings and lithographs. Jongkind was one of the forerunners of French Impressionism and was especially known for his use of colour, low horizons with large sky patches.
Gradually, this cycle route takes you past several places where Jongkind lived in his younger years. You also cycle past the territory of his parental home, which was unfortunately demolished some time ago. In honour of this painter, a special monument has been placed on the site of the parental home, the Jongkind Monument. Tip: walk into the cottage to read all about Jongkind's life.
Not far from this route is picturesque Ootmarsum, where you will be introduced to the work of another well-known artist: Ton Schulten. His colourful, expressive paintings of the Twente landscape can be admired in the Ton Schulten Museum. The combination of Jongkinds impressionist heritage and Schultens modern style makes this region an inspiring destination for art and nature lovers. Discover the Twente countryside full of history, culture and creativity!
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