Cycle route for water lovers

Abcoude, Loosdrecht, Breukelen
Fans of water can indulge themselves in this beautiful wetland area. The entire cycle route takes you along water, from large ponds and lakes to small winding rivers and ditches.
This water-rich area is popular with water sports enthusiasts and you will encounter many of them. But aquatic animals also love this area. To protect these animals, a number of places are inaccessible to motorboats, for example at the Tienhovense and Kortenhoefse Plassen. Here, all kinds of birds and plants are hidden among the reeds and marsh.
In the nineteenth century, many forts were built around the lakes to protect the villages from the enemy. On the way, you pass some of these forts, which are part of the Dutch Water Defence Lines. Here you will discover more about the history and can take beautiful walks around the grounds.
The water gives a sense of freedom and holiday, so get on your bike and let your hair blow in the wind!
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