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Cycle route between the rivers in Neder-Betuwe

length 61.51 km
theme flowers, villages, historical
Kcal 1103
Fiets 3 hours 40 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 56 minutes

Kesteren, Maurik, Wijk bij Duurstede

This cycle route is for lovers of the 'flat land'. This does not mean that there are no height differences: in the vicinity of so much water, there are of course many dykes.

The municipality of Neder-Betuwe is known for its fruit cultivation and tree nurseries. The cycle route is beautiful during the blossom period from early April to mid-May, but also in other seasons there is much natural beauty to admire. In the vicinity of Kesteren, you will find many avenue trees; this 'nursery' for trees was already established around the seventeenth century. Trees are still exported from here all over Europe.

Cycle through the surprising Neder-Betuwe where orchards, old farms, winding rivers and historic villages alternate. Cross the river with the ferry to the province of Utrecht and get off at two impressive castles. A little further on, take the ferry back to the green Neder-Betuwe in Amerongen.

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length 61.51 km
theme flowers, villages, historical
Kcal 1103
Fiets 3 hours 40 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 56 minutes

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length 61.51 km
theme flowers, villages, historical
Kcal 1103
Fiets 3 hours 40 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 56 minutes

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