Cycle route along the borders of Baarle

Baarle-Nassau, Baarle-Hertog, Ulicoten
As early as 1198, enclaves arose around the border in the middle of Baarle. Godfried II van Schoten, Lord of Breda, received several pieces of land from Duke Hendrik I. Hendrik I kept the most fertile pieces of land for himself and gave the less fertile pieces to Godfried II. In this way, there was a division between the pieces of land of the Dutch heir Baarle-Nassau and the Belgian descendant Baarle-Hertog.
This division also produced strange situations during the world wars. During World War I, for example, when the Germans could not occupy Belgian Baarle-Hertog without crossing Dutch territory. So, because of the neutrality of the Netherlands during this war, the Belgian part of Baarle, Baarle-Hertog, also remained unoccupied.
Because of quarrels and disagreements around the border, it was not final for a long time. Only in 1974 were the borders in Baarle finally recognised as national borders.
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