Castles route Bronkhorst - Vorden - Bronkhorst

Vorden, Baak, Bronkhorst
Bronkhorst, once started as a modest farming settlement around the historic Castle Bronkhorst, is the perfect starting point for exploring this rich region. This Castle, once the proud home of the Lords of Bronckhorst, a distinguished knightly family, has unfortunately not stood the test of time. Only the old castle mound still stands as a silent witness to its glorious past. Fortunately, the area is blessed with a wealth of castles and country estates, each with its own unique story.
This Cycle route takes you past nine beautiful castles and country estates, each with its own character. Along the way, you will also pass private inhabited domains. Although these places and their surrounding grounds are usually not open to visitors, the surroundings are usually beautiful. Keep in mind that you can't go in everywhere. However, on Castle Day, some of these locations open their doors to the public. You will recognise these special places by the Castle Day logo, a chance to experience a unique piece of history up close.
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