Brabant's Golden Cycle Route

Helenaveen, Meijel, Asten
In the year 1910, a peat cutter in Helenaveen found a golden helmet from the peat in the 'Groote Peel', together with remnants of footwear, coins, a cloak pin and pieces of leather. The finds turned out to date back to 320 AD. The historic helmet is exhibited in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, but with this cycle route you can relive the story of the mysterious golden Peel helmet!
Cycle to the National Park De Groote Peel, where it all began. The peat extraction has left its traces, but has also created a great diversity of landscapes. Be surprised by the marshes, open plains with heather, golden moors, forests and thickets, lakes and beautiful views. You will come across high moors and low moors. With a size of 1400 hectares and a high quality of nature, this is a National Park with a golden edge.
From De Groote Peel, you cycle to Kasteel Asten, a 600-year old castle hidden behind lush trees. The castle has been damaged over the years so much that this part has become a ruin, but the front castle still stands in full glory after all these centuries. A romantic spot that you can visit with a guided tour.
In Asten you will also pass the Jan Paagman Observatory. The observatory organises days when you can look at the golden stars with them. In the adjacent Klok en Peel Museum you can admire two collections. On the one hand you see the largest collection of swinging bells and carillons in the world. Ring a bell yourself and play the carillon! Some bells are decorated with a layer of gold and fit the theme. In the exhibition about the Peel, it is of course about the golden helmet that was found, but also about more finds that you would come across if you were to dig up the peat bog further.
Discover the golden wealth of Brabant and pay attention! Who knows, you might spot the twelfth century golden coat of arms of the province of Noord-Brabant: three golden lions, one on the shield, and a golden crown.
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