Rosarium Winschoten
Winschoten Rose Garden

Winschoten Rose Garden - Winschoten

N 53.1487128 / E 7.0395741

By organising the rose pruning day in March, Park Day in May and the Green Market on the first Saturday in July, as well as organising sculpture exhibitions, more and more people are allowing their paths to lead them past roses in Winschoten.

But a visit to Winschoten is also recommended for those travelling outside the city: a beautiful three-kilometre Rhododendron Route has been created in the Old City Park, featuring 300 different hardy varieties.

Rosarium Winschoten

Winschoten Rose Garden
Parklaan 1a
9675 AB Winschoten

Contact details
T: +31 6-20431053

Opening hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
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