Watertoren Aalsmeer
Water tower Aalsmeer

Water tower Aalsmeer - Aalsmeer

N 52.2549175 / E 4.757383

From this 50-metre-high water tower, you will enjoy stunning views over the Westeinderplassen. The tower was erected in 1928 as a water supply for the local community and remained in use until 1994. After its closure, the tower was briefly up for sale for the symbolic sum of one guilder. That sounds like a bargain, but the new owner had to invest heavily in renovation.

Fortunately, the municipality of Aalsmeer took over management, with a view to preserving it for public use. Now we can all climb the tower and admire the breathtaking scenery. On a clear day, you can even spot Rotterdam in the distance!

Watertoren Aalsmeer

Water tower Aalsmeer
Kudelstaartseweg 16
1431 GA Aalsmeer

Contact details

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 13:00 - 17:00

Open every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Open every Sunday in July and August.

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