Bunkermuseum Vlissingen
Vlissingen bunker museum

Vlissingen bunker museum - Vlissingen

N 51.440323246581 / E 3.5808268613789

During your visit to the Bunkermuseum in Vlissingen, you will discover all about the Allied landings and the liberation of this historic town. You can book a guided tour in advance or pop in spontaneously on a Saturday afternoon.

On 1 November 1944, the first Allied troops set foot in Flushing, followed by landings at Westkapelle a few hours later. At Uncle Beach, close to the Oranjemolen, the first units landed. The Germans had converted Vlissingen into a strong fortress during the war years, making the capture of the city a complex challenge. Thanks to air support, the commandos managed to penetrate the city, resulting in intense street battles. The battle was not settled until the command bunker was dismantled. By then Flushing was almost completely destroyed.

Photo: National Archive / Anefo photo collection

Bunkermuseum Vlissingen

Vlissingen bunker museum
Oranjedijk 9b
4381 AV Vlissingen

Contact details

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 13:00 - 17:00
Sunday Closed

Note! The bunker is open on Saturdays from April to September between 1pm and 5pm.

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