Het Waterloopbos
Waterwerken in het Waterloopbos
Watertoren bij Sint Jansklooster
The Waterloopbos

The Waterloopbos - Marknesse

N 52.675572 / E 5.919893

A special forest with a special history. It was planted in the 1940s as a production forest. There is plenty to do and you can discover the forest on foot, by bike or by boat. An interesting part is the Waterloopbos. Our worldwide reputation as a water country is mainly due to the scientists who studied the waterways here in this forest. The scale models are a sight to behold. But don't forget the nature either, with its wide variety of birds including the common kingfisher, Eurasian blackcap and hawfinch.

Bird Island is located in the middle of the Zwarte Meer lake, and the island is only accessible when you book an excursion with the forester of Natuurmonumenten. Not only because you will receive much more information and have a greater chance of seeing more of the sixty species of birds, but also because you would disturb the birds otherwise. And that would be a shame, because here you will encounter bird species such as the bluethroat, the great reed warbler and the nightingale.

Images 2 and 3: Natuurmonumenten – Andries de la Lande Cremer

Het Waterloopbos
Waterwerken in het Waterloopbos
Watertoren bij Sint Jansklooster

The Waterloopbos
Voorsterweg 36
8316 PT Marknesse

Contact details
T: +31 035-6559911
E: info@natuurmonumenten.nl

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