De Dikke Steen
The Thick Stone

The Thick Stone - Lemele

N 52.467341203234 / E 6.4013772588058

Every year it is polished and cleared of branches and sand by the industrious members of Stichting 't Lemels Arfgoed. Every day, God knows how many children and adults, more or less in a jolly mood, climb its hard mass and stomp on it. It neither moves nor bores him.

He has been lying there for longer than today. Probably what happens around him in the twenty-first century also leaves him completely cold. There is very presumably no state of consciousness of any kind with this colossus. Nothing or no one is capable of moving him, at least not without above-average effort and/or effort. It does not pay, so it remains where it lies.

The function it used to have, marking the boundary between the marches of Lemele and Archem, has become a footnote. Who remembers that a 'marke' in the Middle Ages was an alliance between the farmers of a region? Who has any idea of the force it took to get this boulder to this spot hundreds of thousands of years ago? It was routine for the glaciers of the ice age in question, the Saalian. In short: the Thick Stone is well worth stepping off for.

De Dikke Steen

The Thick Stone
8148 PZ Lemele

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