Biddende religieuze vrouw
The Klöpkeshoes Berghum

The Klöpkeshoes Berghum - Denekamp

N 52.3667606 / E 7.0215344

Originally, this cottage stood on Stroothuizerweg in the yard of the Haafkes family, where it served as a sheepfold with a built-in night shelter for the shepherd, known locally as ‘n Schoap'n Peter’.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, such cottages could be found in Twente farmyards. They were used by unmarried, religious women who spent a lot of time praying. During periods when the Roman Catholic faith was suppressed, the women called on Catholic adherents to attend secret church services at their place. The summoning was done by knocking on the doors of homes, which earned them the name ‘klöpkes’ and their shelters were called ‘klöpkeshoes’.

This Klöpkeshoes was discovered in 1957. In 1970, the now dilapidated cottage was in danger of disappearing when a farm wanted to expand. VVV Denekamp bought it up and, with the efforts of local businesses and local residents, it was rebuilt on Mekkelhorsterstraat, not far from its original location. Since then, it can be visited and serves as a unique shelter and picnic spot for passers-by.

Biddende religieuze vrouw

The Klöpkeshoes Berghum
Mekkelhorsterstraat 43A
7591 NA Denekamp

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