De Katse kerk
De Katse kerk
De Katse kerk
The church in Kats

The church in Kats - Kats

N 51.5675738 / E 3.8843194

This church has stood in this location since 1659, but only after the first 200 years did it get its large tower. The little white church is located in Kats and bears this name because of its charming surroundings. The present village was deliberately created after the original village disappeared after a storm surge. For many years, only a few houses could be found in the village, but it has now grown into a full-fledged community with around 500 inhabitants.

Photos: Kees Nijsse

De Katse kerk
De Katse kerk
De Katse kerk

The church in Kats
Kerkstraat 3
4485 AL Kats

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