Tanning barn

Tanning barn - Sprang-Capelle

N 51.691972 / E 4.9831012

This residential house used to have a different purpose: it was a tanning barn, recognisable by its distinctive ventilation hatches. In De Langstraat, you will find more such properties, once used for leather tanning as a side income. Tanning was no fun because of poor working conditions and odours.

Tanning transforms animal hides into leather with tanning agents such as chromium sulphate. This process makes the proteins in the hide insoluble, which gives leather its characteristic properties. After complete soaking and reduction of acidity, the tannin binds with the fibres, resulting in durable "Wet-blue" leather.

Photo: ©VisitBrabant Routebureau


Tanning barn
Hoofdstraat 70
5161 PG Sprang-Capelle

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