Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal Welkom
Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal in Ede
Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal Terras
Starting point | Pancake restaurant De Ossenstal

Starting point | Pancake restaurant De Ossenstal - Epe

N 52.3794015 / E 5.9557855

Restaurant De Ossenstal is the perfect base from which to explore the Veluwe on foot or by bike and then enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner. Besides a wide range of pancakes, De Ossenstal also has a regular lunch and dinner menu and various packages. For children, there is a special children's menu.

There are also plenty of opportunities for fun activities, such as walking and cycling tours, treasure hunts and klootschieten. Naturally, children are also welcome at De Ossenstal to romp around in the exciting playground.

Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal Welkom
Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal in Ede
Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal Terras

Starting point | Pancake restaurant De Ossenstal
Ossenweg 10
8161 PZ Epe

Contact details
T: +31 578 - 610199

Opening hours
Monday 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday 10:00 - 21:00
Friday 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday 10:00 - 21:00
Sunday 10:00 - 21:00

From November to February, different opening hours apply.

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