Put your bike down and walk to the A-beek to get to the Stamprooierbroek.
One of the nature reserves that the Limburgs Landschap vzw. is very proud of is the Stamprooierbroek. Together with the nearby Hasselterbroek and the Zig, it forms an area of 400 hectares of contiguous nature. This area was once a large stream swamp. The A-beek flowed there in a bowl and was up to one kilometre wide in some places! From 1870, the area was drained by the construction of a drainage canal, the Lossing.
Since then, you can see alder thickets, willow thickets, open marsh zones, wet grasslands, oak forests and here and there remnants of heathland. There is no intervention in the natural forests, so nature can completely take its course. The area is among the Top 5 hotspots in Flanders for butterflies and dragonflies.
Contact details
T: +31 11 53 02 50
E: info@limburgs-landschap.be
W: https://limburgs-landschap.be/stamprooierbroek/