Sneker Waterpoort
Sneker Waterpoort
Sneker Waterpoort

Sneker Waterpoort - Sneek

N 53.0295656 / E 5.6590711

An important feature of Frisian Sneek is the Sneker Waterpoort. The gate consists of two octagonal towers, with a bridge across the water between them. It marks the beginning of the Town Canal and the town centre from the water. There has also been a gatekeeper's house above the bridge since 1785.

The gate was probably built around 1492, at the same time as the construction of the city wall. The gate was part of a series of four other water gates and two land gates that together served to seal off access from any enemies across the water to the city. Over the years, the gates lost their military function, so the Water Gate was converted into an ornamental gate in 1613. Until 1825, the city was locked through the gates every night, but when that stopped, the gates lost their functions. The other gates were demolished piece by piece. The Waterpoort, too, was to be demolished because, for example, steamboats could not fit under it. But the population put a stop to that. As a result, we can still enjoy this beautiful gate today.

Today, the Waterpoort is the symbol of Sneek: you can see it in the mainsail of the Sneek skûtsje Sneker Pan and in the sails and clothing of the Sneek sailmaker Gaastra.

Sneker Waterpoort
Sneker Waterpoort

Sneker Waterpoort
Waterpoortsgracht 38
8601 EM Sneek

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Open 24 hours
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