Schaapskooi Bargerveen ©Loïs Koelewijn
Sheepfold Bargerveen

Sheepfold Bargerveen - Weiteveen

N 52.676717851495 / E 7.000778682054

The two former sheepfolds from 1980 and 1981 were replaced in 2018 by an entirely new sheepfold, built on the highest part of the Bargerveen, due to high water levels. This new sheepfold is the largest in the Netherlands. Some 1,000 Schoonebeeker heath sheep and 110 cows live there.

Another unique feature of the sheepfold is that it is sustainable. The energy used is generated entirely by its own solar panels. The pen, which is made entirely of wood, is set up like a traditional potting shed. That is, the manure is hoarded. The sheep and cows graze on the moors during the day, at night they spend the night in the stable where they leave natural manure behind. This is collected, after which it is spread on local fields.

Perhaps less appetising, but interesting: pay attention to the cow droppings when you are at the sheepfold. The cows here do not have cow patties, but loose droppings. This is because of the grasses they eat on the heath, which have more structure and less protein.

Besides the large sheep pen, there is a small animal enclosure including chickens and goats, a restaurant and an information room.

Vincent van Gogh also waxed lyrical about the Drenthe moors. He advised his brother to give up his busy job in the art trade and come here to seek his fortune. Thus he wrote to his brother: "Toe kerel, come paint with me on the heath".

Photo: ©Loïs Koelewijn

Schaapskooi Bargerveen ©Loïs Koelewijn
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