Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg brug
Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg infomatiebord
Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg gracht
Schuilenburg Castle grounds

Schuilenburg Castle grounds - Hellendoorn

N 52.407541797522 / E 6.4705477193248

This castle grounds were not only located directly on the Regge but also on the connecting road between Zwolle and Almelo. Both were part of widely used trade routes. You couldn't wish for a more strategic location. Zweder van de Schuilenburg must also have thought so when, by marrying, he came into possession of this estate. From here he harassed merchants from Overijsselian towns such as Zwolle, Hasselt and Kampen. The castle was presumably fortified without the bishop's permission. Zweder was also said to have openly supported the Duke of Gelre. Reason enough for the bishop of Utrecht to destroy the fortification in 1381 with the help of the towns of Deventer, Kampen and Zwolle.

Afterwards, the landscape was rebuilt and attacked several more times. In 1998, the municipality of Hellendoorn bought the site. Moats were dug, based on old notes, and a bridge and orchard were created.

There are a number of information boards and prints on the site.

Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg brug
Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg infomatiebord
Kasteelterrein Schuilenburg gracht

Schuilenburg Castle grounds
Schuilenburgerweg 54
7447 RP Hellendoorn

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Open 24 hours
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