Scheiwijkse Molen
Scheiwijk Mill

Scheiwijk Mill - Hoornaar

N 51.8669833 / E 4.9197411

This mill has an interesting history. An old and dilapidated mill; De Kleine Wielmolen, was first built on this spot in 1638. This was replaced by the current mill. Old parts of the Kleine Wielmolen were used for this. The mills must have been each other's equivalents.

The construction did not go smoothly. Whoever was responsible for the rebuilding did not have enough capital power to scrape up the necessary wood and also appeared to have no experience in building a mill. Construction was taken over by the two brothers who were also the makers of the Little Wheel Mill.

What is unique about this mill is that it is the largest 'natural' seesaw mill in the Netherlands. Tilt mills are old types of polder mills that developed from standerd mills (a directional windmill) in the early 15th century.

Scheiwijkse Molen

Scheiwijk Mill
Lage Giessen 53
4223 SJ Hoornaar

Contact details

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 13:00 - 16:00
Sunday Closed

Of course, outside opening hours, you can always view the mill from the outside.

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