"Get off for a lovely walk through the Rysterbosk, an old country estate forest of It Fryske Gea, the provincial association for nature conservation in Friesland. In this forest - which dates from the 17th century - you will find stately avenues, beautiful monumental trees and numerous ferns. In addition to mammals such as badgers, roe deer, squirrels and bats, many birds such as hawks, tree clovers and large spotted woodpeckers also live here.
From here - also a viewpoint - you can follow the blue walking route (5 km). Would you rather go for a shorter tour through the woods? Then choose the red walking route of 3 km. Both walks start at the entrance of the Rysterbosk on the Mirnserleane in Rijs."
Murnserdyk 48
8573 WP
Contact details
T: 0512-381448
E: info@itfryskegea.nl
W: https://www.itfryskegea.nl/
Open from sunrise to sunset.