Polder Groot Mijdrecht
Polder Groot Mijdrecht

Polder Groot Mijdrecht - Waverveen

N 52.24394 / E 4.90814

Wetlands are a scarce resource in the Netherlands. To create a habitat for marsh species such as the bittern, purple heron and great reed warbler, marshland nature has been and will be created in this polder. An eldorado for water birds, meadow birds and marsh birds. In fact, the government has enthusiastic plans: the polder will soon become an ecological connection between neighbouring nature areas such as Botshol and the Nieuwkoopse Plassen. This will allow not only birds but also other animals to increase their habitat.

Polder Groot Mijdrecht

Polder Groot Mijdrecht
Botsholsedwarsweg 2
3646 AK Waverveen

Contact details
T: 035-6559911
E: info@natuurmonumenten.nl

Opening hours
Open 24 hours
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