Oudendijkse Molen
Oudendijk Mill

Oudendijk Mill - Hoornaar

N 51.885021 / E 4.9347433

Together with the Scheiwijk Mill, this mill was left over from a polder combination called 'The Land of Six Mills'. The other four seesaw mills have now, unfortunately, disappeared.

It is not known exactly when this mill was built, but repair work was carried out in 1941. During that work, the wooden outer rod of the tower was declared still usable. There were doubts about that from the miller, which later turned out to be justified. Shortly after that time, the rod broke off during a heavy night storm.

The Oudendijk Mill is not easy to reach, but how did they used to get there? Back then, on the other side, a horn was blown to signal that you wanted to be put across.

Oudendijkse Molen

Oudendijk Mill
Dorpsweg 63
4223 ND Hoornaar

Contact details
T: +31645738427

The mill can be visited by appointment only. Also, the mill can only be reached via a footpath on the Hoornaarse side of the Giessen. Or by foot from Overslingeland.

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