Oester Dam

Oester Dam - Rilland

N 51.470827236256 / E 4.2211419229444

If you look at the original Delta Plan, you won't come across the Oester Dam. This is because it was only added later. It was decided not to completely close off the Oosterschelde from the North Sea, but a special barrier was installed. Of course, this also did something to the ebb and flow of the Eastern Scheldt.

Around the Eastern Scheldt, a lot of shellfish cultivation takes place, which depends on ebb and flow. As far east as possible, the Oester Dam was made, leaving enough space on the Scheldt. Around Oester Dam (it has this name for good reason), you will find vast oyster fields where in some places you can even collect oysters yourself on a limited basis.

Construction of this huge dam started in 1979, and in 1989 the road on top of it could be put into use.


Oester Dam
4675 RB Rilland

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